Thank you for joining the Hero's Journey to Inner Peace course!
I’d like to acknowledge you for your thirst for knowledge, open mind and heart, willingness to practice, experiment and play! You rock! Please enjoy instructional videos, detailed workbook, fun homework and deeply healing meditations! Let our exciting journey begin!
Using this this course is as simple as 1, 2 and 3:
Each Chapter contains the following elements for you to explore:
Watch state of the art course videos to receive in-depth knowledge and learn simple yet powerful experientials to excel
Read your Workbook to access detailed course materials, homework assignments and handouts
Enjoy and practice recorded meditations / healing to experience a powerful shift body, mind, heart and soul
To access your workbook and meditation / healing files for more information, homework reflections, handouts and deep practices please go to Course Materials Section of Hero’s Journey to Inner Peace Course.
If you purchased a guided version of the Hero’s Journey to Inner Peace Course, please upload your answers to the Assignments window at the end of each Chapter. Your instructor will reach out with homework reflections and to schedule one-on-one personalized guided session right away! Please feel free to connect with any other questions by going to Helpful Links and Feedback Section.
If you purchased a self-guided version of the Hero’s Journey to Inner Peace Course and have any feedback or technical support questions, please go to Helpful Links and Feedback Section to connect.
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You’ll also get my soulfully spicy monthly newsletters right in your inbox! Don’t like it? No problem! Unsubscribe in a click.
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