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Thank you for joining the INNER PEACE MASTERCLASS!

I’d like to acknowledge you for your thirst for knowledge, open mind and heart, willingness to practice, experiment and play! Let our exciting journey begin!

Limited Time: The Best You: Hero’s Journey to Inner Peace Course for only $79 —save $218 now!


Check your email (and junk/bulk folders) for exclusive BONUS offers:

  1. One-on-one discovery call offer with Evguenia ($150 value) to connect on the personal level and find out about your dreams, goals, struggles and discuss ways in which i can support you on your journey
  2.  Download multidimensional body scan meditation ($150 value) to deepen your connection with yourself and start releasing your blockages and experience profound pleasure
  3. 9 practical steps you can take to boost your self confidence and align with positive, fulfilled life today: handout download ($99 value)
  4.  Extended 3-month payment plan on Hero’s Journey to Inner Peace Course

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